Course Evaluation Survey

Q1 - What is Course Evaluation Survey?

 Course Evaluation Survey enables students to provide feedback on the course structure, faculty & the way the course is conducted.

This application enables students to provide feedback for all the registered courses and associated faculties. Faculties can access their respective feedback provided by the student anonymously. Course related feedback helps to improve/ fine-tune course contents and lecture sessions. Good feedback encourages faculties while not that good feedback helps faculties in modifying and improving his or her teaching.

Q2 - What can I do using Course Evaluation Survey?

 Using Course Evaluation Survey, faculty can view his/her feedback provided by students according to school, department, semester and course.

Q3 - How can I access Course Evaluation Survey?

 There are two ways to access Course Evaluation Survey Results:

Through SNU Links

Step 1: Navigate to Url

Step 2: After login,click on ‘Survey Results’ link/ icon to open the application.

Directly through URL

User can directly open the application through URL given below:

Q4 - Which browser and browser version should I use to access Course Evaluation Survey?

 Following browsers are recommended to use Course Evaluation Survey:

  1. Chrome browser with version 60.0.3112 or upper than this.
  2. Mozilla firefox browser with version 55.0.2 or upper than this.

Q5 - Why am I getting 'Invalid User' while login into Course Evaluation Survey?

 “Invalid User” notification comes in case user enters wrong SNU Net Id or Password.

Q6 - Why am I getting 'Unauthorized User' while login into Course Evaluation Survey?

 This notification comes when user tries to login the application for which he/she is not authorized.

Q7 - How to know about survey parameters?

 Faculty can view the survey parameters through 'Help' document provided in the application.

Q8 - How can I get assistance if I need it?

 Faculty can raise a ticket with IT Helpdesk for application assistance. Applications support team will contact you and assist.

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