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(Created page with "https://wiki.snu.edu.in/index.php?action=ajax&title=-&rs=SecureFileStore::getFile&f=/4/44/OpenFoam.png'''OpenFOAM:''' OpenFOAM is the free, open source CFD software developed...")
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OpenFOAM is the free, open source CFD software developed primarily by OpenCFD Ltd since 2004. It has a large user base across most areas of engineering and science, from both commercial and academic organisations. OpenFOAM has an extensive range of features to solve anything from complex fluid flows involving chemical reactions, turbulence and heat transfer, to acoustics, solid mechanics and electromagnetics. More...
OpenFOAM is the free, open source CFD software developed primarily by OpenCFD Ltd since 2004. It has a large user base across most areas of engineering and science, from both commercial and academic organisations. OpenFOAM has an extensive range of features to solve anything from complex fluid flows involving chemical reactions, turbulence and heat transfer, to acoustics, solid mechanics and electromagnetics. More...

Latest revision as of 05:27, 20 May 2024



OpenFOAM is the free, open source CFD software developed primarily by OpenCFD Ltd since 2004. It has a large user base across most areas of engineering and science, from both commercial and academic organisations. OpenFOAM has an extensive range of features to solve anything from complex fluid flows involving chemical reactions, turbulence and heat transfer, to acoustics, solid mechanics and electromagnetics. More...

OpenFOAM is professionally released every six months to include customer sponsored developments and contributions from the community. It is independently tested by ESI-OpenCFD's Application Specialists, Development Partners and selected customers, and supported by ESI's worldwide infrastructure, values and commitment.

Quality assurance is based on rigorous testing. The process of code evaluation, verification and validation includes several hundred daily unit tests, a medium-sized test battery run on a weekly basis, and large industry-based test battery run prior to new version releases. Tests are designed to assess regression behaviour, memory usage, code performance and scalability.


Binary Location: /data/apps/OpenFOAM/IntelMPI/2206/bin/interFoam

Version: 2206

Job Script:


#SBATCH --partition=medium      # include the appropriate partition, node, ntasks, ntasks-pernode for the respective SLURM key

#SBATCH --ntasks=128

#SBATCH --job-name=OpenFoam

##SBATCH --mail-user=

##SBATCH --mail-type=all

#SBATCH --output vasp.%J.out

#SBATCH --error vasp.%J.err


### modify the appropriate version of the executable

export exec_name=/data/apps/OpenFOAM/IntelMPI/2206/bin/interFoam

## keep  the input file on the local directory where this job is launched

ulimit -s unlimited

module purge

module load compiler/2022.0.2 mkl/2022.0.2 mpi/2021.2.0

export I_MPI_FABRICS=shm:ofi

export UCX_TLS=sm,ud

export UCX_NET_DEVICES=mlx5_0:1

export FI_PROVIDER=mlx




#export I_MPI_PIN_ORDER=bunch

#export I_MPI_PIN_DOMAIN=core

#Application Execution###

{ time mpiexec.hydra -np $SLURM_NPROCS -genvall  ${exec_name} -parallel ; } > openfoam_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.std.out  2>&1


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