1.Go to Office Portal and “Sign in”
2. Enter your NetID followed by “@snu.edu.in”
3. Enter the existing password of your NetID, and click on “Sign in”
4.You will get a prompt to Stay Signed in - Click on “Yes”
5.You will be logged into the Office portal, as shown below:
6.Click on settings icon as shown below:
7.Click on “Change your Password” option
8.Use the next screen to change your password .
- Enter your existing/old Net ID password in Current Password
- Create a new password *
- Re-enter the new password
- Click on Submit
* While setting up the new password, please ensure:
- Not to use any previously used or existing password
- Minimum password length should be of 8 characters
- Password should not contain your name in the string
- Password must contain at least one English upper case, one English lower case, one numerical value & one special character
- This Net ID & new password will also work for the University ERP login.
- You will also use the new password when connecting to Staff Wi-Fi from all your devices when inside the University Campus.
- Use the same credentials to access Lab desktops.
For further details or issues, please write to [email protected]