
Revision as of 01:42, 8 August 2015 by Deepak Agrawal (Talk | contribs)

Gaussian 09

Gaussian 09 is the latest in the Gaussian series of programs. It provides state-of-the-art capabilities for electronic structure modeling. Gaussian 09 is licensed for a wide variety of computer systems. All versions of Gaussian 09 contain every scientific/modeling feature, and none imposes any artificial limitations on calculations other than your computing resources and patience.

Gaussian Users Reference

Environment Variables to submit jobs on Magus

The required environment variables are already set at the global level and hence nothing specific is required.

Sample Script file to Submit Gaussian jobs on Magus.

#BSUB -J g09linda
#BSUB -q med_hsw
#BSUB -e %J.err
#BSUB -o %J.out
#BSUB -n 32
source /snufs/apps/Gaussian/g09/
#Do not change anything below this line
LINDA=`cat $LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE | uniq | tr '\n' "," | sed 's|,$| |' | sed 's|,|,|g' `
NODECOUNT=`cat $LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE | uniq | wc -l`
## Appendinglinda worker configration in INPUT FILE
echo %LindaWorkers=$LINDA >> $INPUT_FILE.$LSB_JOBID
env > log.env
Last modified on 8 August 2015, at 01:42